2010 Final List

Here it is:
  1. Pay off Car loan
  2. Plan periodic Date Nights with Ashley
  3. Blog Throughout the entire Year
  4. Go Snowboarding at least once
  5. Play tennis or basketball more often (every other month at least)
  6. Eat more Fish and less Beef
  7. Go somewhere I've never been (Arizona, Philadelphia)
  8. Fix my bike
  9. Drink more water and tea, and less Caffeine.
  10. Tithe consistently
  11. Volunteer to Serve food to homeless
  12. Make my Dad's Famous Strawberry pie from scratch.
  13. Read a Classic Book
  14. Take advantage of living by the ocean (Picnic at the ocean, run on the cliffs, go boogie boarding)
  15. Visit my mom at her new house
  16. Go to NHL hockey Game (only big Sporting Event that I have not experienced, besides Soccer..haha)
  17. Try new foods. (2009 I had Calamari for the first time, something like that)
  18. Stay in touch with old friends. (Easy to get busy with life and get disconnected to those who used to be really close to you)
  19. Find a restaurant or place that my wife and I can call "Our Place".
  20. Do some sort of "Man Craft". Build a picture frame, or grow something.


Unknown said...

I just finished Pride and Prejudice... Good read.
I have to laugh, "Man Craft"? I love it!!! Can you add visit Baker City to your list?

Matt said...

Haha! Baker City is already planned for Christmas 2010. We cannot wait to come see you guys and Zachary. We will put in a request for staying at your house. So do not worry you are on on the list.

Matt said...
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