Here it is:
- Pay off Car loan
- Plan periodic Date Nights with Ashley
- Blog Throughout the entire Year
- Go Snowboarding at least once
- Play tennis or basketball more often (every other month at least)
- Eat more Fish and less Beef
- Go somewhere I've never been (Arizona, Philadelphia)
- Fix my bike
- Drink more water and tea, and less Caffeine.
- Tithe consistently
- Volunteer to Serve food to homeless
- Make my Dad's Famous Strawberry pie from scratch.
- Read a Classic Book
- Take advantage of living by the ocean (Picnic at the ocean, run on the cliffs, go boogie boarding)
- Visit my mom at her new house
- Go to NHL hockey Game (only big Sporting Event that I have not experienced, besides Soccer..haha)
- Try new foods. (2009 I had Calamari for the first time, something like that)
- Stay in touch with old friends. (Easy to get busy with life and get disconnected to those who used to be really close to you)
- Find a restaurant or place that my wife and I can call "Our Place".
- Do some sort of "Man Craft". Build a picture frame, or grow something.